Spinal Decompression In Garden City NY

Backed By Research...
Research points to the beneficial effects of decompression therapy because it can distract joint surfaces, reduce protrusions of nuclear discal material, stretch soft-tissue muscles & mobilize joints. These effects provide many patients with pain relief from spinal dysfunction both chronic & acute. If you would like to see if this technique could benefit you schedule an appointment to discuss spinal decompression in Garden City NY.
Mechanical/Physiological Effects
There are a variety of options for treating acute & chronic pain. Pain medications and spinal injections may provide temporary comfort, but they do nothing to address the root cause of the pain – once the medication wears off, the pain returns. They can also be accompanied by serious side effects including other health problems, depression, and addiction. Surgery is expensive and carries its own set of major risks, recovery can last for weeks or months and the success rates are not as high as one might expect.
Conditions that benefit from Decompression Therapy
- Bulging Discs
- Protruding Discs
- Herniated Discs
- Prolapsed Discs
- Degenerated Discs
- Facet Syndrome
- Radicular Pain
- Impingement Syndrome
- Hypomobility
- Joint Pain
- Neck Pain
- Low Back Pain
- Degenerative Disease
- Compression Fractures
What is Spinal Decompression?
It is a non-surgical & drug-free approach to relieving back & neck pain. Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine. This movement changes the force and position of the spine. This will take pressure off the spinal discs (the gelatinous cushions between the bones in your spine). This treatment causes a negative pressure on the spine thus causing bulging or herniated discs to retract. The resulting decrease in pressure will take pressure off the nerves and other structures in the spine. This, in turn, helps promote the movement of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the discs so they can heal.
Benefits of Spinal Decompression:
- Improves Circulation and Nutrition to the Disc
- Decreases Muscle Spasm
- Decrease Local & Radiating Pain
- Stretches Scar Tissue & Connective Tissue
- Decreases Compressive Forces to Disc
- Improves Spinal Movement & Mobility
What to Expect During Treatment in Garden City NY
One of the best parts about spinal decompression is how relaxing the treatment is. Once the patient is positioned properly, the computerized equipment programmed by the doctor begins to go through its treatment protocol leaving the patient in a decompressed & relaxed state.
7:30am - 9:30am
3:30pm - 6:30pm
7:30am - 9:30am
3:30pm - 6:30pm
7:30am - 9:30am
3:30pm - 6:30pm
3:30pm - 6:30pm
Body By Design Wellness Chiropractic PLLC
500 Old Country Rd #314
Garden City, NY 11530